March 2023
December 2023 - House Bill 1888​
A public hearing on the bill is scheduled for Wednesday, December 13, at 9:30 a.m. in Room 140 of the Main Capitol building. If you can attend, that’s great! If not, you can watch a livestream of the hearing that day. Just go here and click on the livestream link where it talks about the hearing on the bill.
If you have not yet called or emailed your state lawmakers about this dangerous bill, click here . Here is the link in case you want to share it on social media: .
Again, the reason this bill is so bad is because it would wipe out protections such as parental consent, informed consent, conscience protections for doctors and nurses, and protections against taxpayer funding of abortion.
We need to have a full court press to try to defeat House Bill 1888, the proposed pro-abortion Constitutional Amendment.
Please call the PA House Judiciary Committee members below with this message: Please oppose House Bill 1888. I do not want my hard-earned tax money to pay for abortion.
Hon. Rob W. Kauffman
(717) 705-2004
Hon. Kate A. Klunk
(717) 787-4790
Hon. Torren C. Ecker
(717) 783-8875
Hon. Clint Owlett
(717) 772-5371
Hon. Timothy R. Bonner
(717) 783-6438
Hon. Joe Hamm
(717) 787-5270
Hon. David H. Rowe
(717) 787-3443
Hon. Jim Rigby
(717) 772-9924
Hon. Joe Kerwin
(717) 260-6148
Hon. Paul Schemel
(717) 783-5218
Hon. Robert Leadbeter
(717) 783-1102
Live Action
A woman walks into CVS to pick up abortion pills and has some questions for the pharmacist: Are they organic, gluten-free, and cruelty-free?
Watch our newest satire video here:
July 2022-
Below you will find candidate comparison pieces for the PA Governor and U.S. Senate races. The comparison pieces are considered educational, not political.

July 2022​
The egregious Women's Health Protection Act is a deceptive bill that would target the unborn, healthcare workers, and the pro-life movement at large.
Pro-life measures such as parental consent, informed consent for pregnant women, conscience protection laws for healthcare workers, and restrictions on taxpayer funding for abortion are popular among all Americans and must be maintained. This bill would unjustly remove all of those bipartisan measures.
Contact your elected officials by using this link:
December 18, 2021
The Constitutional Amendment to keep abortion out of the PA Constitution has now been introduced in the state legislature.
Senate Bill 956 would ensure that there is no right to abortion or taxpayer funding of abortion in the PA Constitution.
To read the text of the amendment, click here ( ).
Action Item:
It is critically important that we contact our PA state representative and state senator and urge them to support this Constitutional Amendment. You can contact your state lawmakers conveniently online here ( ).
The abortion industry has gone to court to try to establish a so-called right to abortion and taxpayer funding of abortion under the PA Constitution. The case is now before the PA Supreme Court. If the abortion industry wins the case, all of our pro-life laws could be wiped out. That would mean taxpayer funding of abortion, no ban on late-term abortion, no parental consent for abortion, no 24-hour waiting period for abortion, no inspection and regulation of abortion facilities. Tragically, it could mean abortions up to the moment of birth in Pennsylvania.
In order to stop this disastrous scenario from occurring, we need a Constitutional Amendment to keep abortion out of the PA Constitution.
December 16, 2021
Stop! – “Humanized Mouse” Development From Living Pre-Born Babies
What are "humanized" mice?
Unfortunately, the University of Pittsburgh is using human organs and skin from aborted babies for “research” -- grafting baby scalps onto mice and rats.
Dr. Stacy Trasancos, who opposes the practice, explains:
“Human hair was evident by 12 weeks but only in the grafts taken from the fetal scalps. In the scalp grafts, fine human hair can be seen growing long and dark surrounded by the short white hairs of the mouse.”
Please: Sign your protest against this Satanic experimentation.
I’m sick to even write about this issue, but this is where the Culture of Death has taken society. This is what a society without God and without morals offers.
“The images literally show a patch of baby hair growing on a mouse’s back,” wrote Dr. Trasancos in the National Catholic Register.
The Most Rev. Joseph E. Strickland, Bishop of Tyler, Texas, condemned the use of aborted baby parts for research.
“These are crimes against humanity that should be prosecuted,” he tweeted. “Silence in the face of these atrocities simply adds to the evil. Wake up America! Demand that this stops NOW!”
Click here to tell the University of Pittsburgh to stop using aborted baby parts.
Our Lady of Fatima said to the three seers, in her apparition of July 13, 1917, that “If my requests are heeded, Russia will be converted, and there will be peace; if not, she will spread her errors throughout the world [Communism]…”
“In 1920, the Russian Soviet Republic under Lenin became the first country in the world in the modern era to allow abortion in all circumstances,”? Wikipedia [my emphasis ~ Robert] “Russia had the highest number of abortions per woman of child-bearing age in the world according to UN data as of 2010.”
Spread THROUGHOUT the world
“[in 2010]…China reported over 13 million abortions”
[in 2010]…USA reported appx. 1,060,000 abortions
And now U Penn takes it to its logical next step: macabre experiments in the scalping of babies and grafting onto mice and rats.
Sign your protest against this Satanic experimentation.
I’m rushing to collect at least 35,000 protest petitions by next semester.
Whatever you can do to help me reach 35,000 people is most appreciated.
November 2021
The Pennsylvania Pro-Life Federation has an urgent prayer request. Please pray that the Pennsylvania Senate and Pennsylvania House will quickly pass a Constitutional Amendment to prevent taxpayer funding of abortion in Pennsylvania.
You may recall that abortion businesses in PA have filed a lawsuit to try to establish a right to taxpayer funding of abortion under the PA Constitution. The case is now before the PA state Supreme Court. The Pennsylvania Pro-Life Federation is filing a friend-of-the court (amicus) brief in the case. But if the state Supreme Court, which has a pro-abortion majority, rules in favor of the abortion businesses, the only thing that can stop taxpayer funding of abortion in Pennsylvania is a Constitutional Amendment. That is why this Constitutional Amendment is so critical. The Constitutional Amendment does NOT need the Governor’s signature, but must be passed in two consecutive sessions of the state legislature.
We encourage you to share this prayer request with your pro-life friends and family members.

July 30, 2021
Yesterday the House voted to force Americans to pay for abortions. Take action to ensure this bill does not pass in the Senate.
July 9, 2021
The Hyde Amendment is in danger! This common sense amendment ensures that no federal taxpayer dollars can be used to pay for abortions, except in rare circumstances.
Please send a message to your Congressional representative now to save the Hyde Amendment by clicking on this handy link:
Thank you for all you do to protect precious babies and their mothers from the harm of abortion!
Together we stand in defense of the sanctity of life
June 23, 2021
Please contact your state representative in the Pennsylvania House of Representatives and urge him or her to stop taxpayer funding of unethical research using aborted baby body parts at the University of Pittsburgh. You can contact your representative by clicking here: .
Thank you for making these important calls and sending these critical emails!
June 21, 2021
The Down Syndrome Protection Act, also known as House Bill 1500, has now been reported out of the state Senate Health & Human Services Committee and could be voted on on the Senate floor at any time (The PA House already passed the bill.).
If you have not already done so, please email and call your state Senator and urge him or her to vote “Yes” on the Down syndrome protection bill. You can send a message to your state Senator by clicking here:
Thank you for making these critical calls and sending these important emails!
All the best,
Maryann Lawhon The VOICE of JOHN
John Frank: Down Syndrome Advocacy
Just a quick note to say that the PA House of Representatives Wednesday passed House Bill 118, which ensures the respectful treatment of the remains of preborn babies who die prior to birth.
The bill gives parents the option of having the remains buried or cremated. It is patterned after an Indiana bill that was upheld by the Supreme Court.
Thank you for all your efforts in support of this bill. The bill now moves to the PA Senate for consideration.
The Down Syndrome Protection Act, known as House Bill 1500, has passed the Pennsylvania House of Representatives by a vote of 120 to 83. Thank you for making this achievement possible!
Now, the bill moves on to the PA Senate for consideration.
You can send a message to your PA state Senator in support of the bill by clicking here.
Please send a message to your state representative, urging him or her to support House Bill 1500, the Down syndrome protection measure.
This important piece of disability rights legislation would ban abortions when the preborn baby is diagnosed with Down syndrome. The current abortion rate for unborn children with Down syndrome is extraordinarily high—research indicates the vast majority of them are aborted.
To send a message to your state representative now, please click here.
New Video Documents University of Pittsburgh Experiments on Aborted Babies
State House Health Committee to examine Pitt’s human fetal experimentation practices at public hearing this Tuesday.
(HARRISBURG - May 3, 2021) A shocking new video -- released one day before a legislative hearing by the PA House Health Committee on fetal experimentation -- reveals the disturbing details of research on aborted babies happening at the University of Pittsburgh that are funded with taxpayer dollars.
The video, released by the Center for Medical Progress and available to view at, highlights “just three of the most recent horrifying examples of government sponsored fetal experimentation at Pitt.”
Last year, Pitt student researchers published details on experiments where scalps and “full thickness human skin” from aborted babies (18-20 weeks gestation) were grafted onto lab rats. Pictures show human hair - from these aborted babies - being grown on the backs of these rodents. Additionally, lymphoid tissue, livers and spleens from the same aborted babies were co-engrafted into the same rodent models.
This inhumane research at Pitt is not an isolated incident. Pitt scientists have also harvested livers from fetuses delivered whole via labor induction. Pitt has also been involved in the trading and distribution of hundreds of fetal kidneys and other organs from aborted babies. Both of these practices are highlighted in the new video.
On Tuesday, May 4th, the PA House Health Committee has scheduled a hearing to discuss fetal experimentation. David Daleiden, the founder of the Center for Medical Progress whose undercover videos exposed Planned Parenthood for selling aborted baby parts, is scheduled to testify. Dr. Kathi Aultman, a former abortionist, is also scheduled to testify, giving an inside look into the abortion industry from her firsthand experience.
An open letter at is calling for an end to these awful experiments on aborted babies. “We, the undersigned, call on the University of Pittsburgh to stop all experimentation on aborted babies and the inhumane practice of grafting their skin and body parts onto rodents,” states the letter.
Conservatives fret over Supreme Court's delay in accepting Mississippi abortion case
With Black History Month ending, it is important that we lift the voices of Black leaders and shine a light on the genocide that disproportionately devastates the Black community. We must remember every month what history has taught us:
Every innocent human is deserving of protection - regardless of their ethnicity or location inside or outside of the womb.
I want to encourage you to watch and listen to these powerful voices of hope. These are the voices of hope that will go down in history ...
February 2021
President Biden wants to funnel $60 million dollars BACK TO PLANNED PARENTHOOD. Planned Parenthood has simultaneously demanded the Supreme Court reverse the defunding rule..
Planned Parenthood just reported a shocking 354,871 abortions last year. And it took $618 million in taxpayer funding – another record.
Now the Supreme Court has agreed to hear a case that could reverse a pro-life federal rule that defunded millions from the abortion giant – the same rule we filed public comments supporting.
Will the pro-abortion Biden Administration defend this pro-life rule? Don’t count on it. We’re the last line of defense in court.
We’re filing a critical amicus brief at the Supreme Court to defund millions of dollars from Planned Parenthood. But we need YOU.
Sign Our Petition: Defeat and Defund Planned Parenthood.
Read Our Analysis: SCOTUS To Hear Challenge to Pro-Life Rule.
President Biden has picked the radically pro-abortion Xavier Becerra to lead the Department of Health & Human Services (HHS). Becerra could be the most pro-abortion HHS secretary ever. But he’s worse than that. He’s vindictively anti-life. Becerra sued to force the Little Sisters of the Poor to pay for abortion pills and tried to prosecute pro-life journalists who exposed Planned Parenthood’s illegal sale of aborted babies’ body parts (and we’re filing an appeal in a related case). He even tried to shut down pro-life pregnancy centers, but we directly defeated him at the Supreme Court.
We just joined on to one letter and are about to send another directly to the Senate opposing his nomination.
Take action with us. Sign Our Petition: Stop Becerra’s Anti-Life Abortion Agenda.
We just delivered a critical written submission to the U.N. Human Rights Council urging action to stop “torturous” international abortion procedures that cause unconscionable suffering to dying babies.
Read Our Report: ACLJ Urges UN to Stop Barbaric Infanticide.
A federal judge in our Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) case just ordered the Deep State to produce for court review an email Jen Psaki (now WH Press Secretary) sent regarding secret Obama-Biden Administration meetings with Iran.
Update: WH Press Secretary Caught Up in Obama-Biden Iran Lie.
God Bless,
The ACLJ Team
Sign the Petition to Ban Chemical Abortions
Sign the Petition with ACLJ to Defend Babies with Disabilities
Urgent Legislative Alert
Planned Parenthood is continuing to do abortions in Pennsylvania during the pandemic, despite the Governor’s own order banning elective surgical procedures. As a result, Planned Parenthood is using up critical medical supplies at a time when they are so desperately needed by hospitals combatting the Coronavirus crisis.
We need the state legislature to put pressure on the PA Health Department to enforce the rules and ensure that Planned Parenthood does not perform abortions in the midst of this health crisis.
Please call and email your state representative and state senator with this urgent message: “Abortions are not ‘essential services.’ Please stop Planned Parenthood abortions during the pandemic.”
State lawmakers need to use their influence to pressure the state Health Department to ensure that Planned Parenthood follows the rules—no elective surgeries during the Coronavirus outbreak.
If you do not know who your state representative and state senator are, or you need contact information, please visit
RU486 Abortion Pill
Please call and email your state Senators and urge them to support the House-passed version of Senate Bill 857, the telemedicine bill. The House inserted an important amendment which bans the telemedicine distribution of dangerous drugs such as the RU486 abortion pill.
If you do not know who your state Senator is, or you need contact information, please visit It would be best to try calling both the district office near you and the Harrisburg office.
Please note that this is a state issue, not a federal one, so you do not need to contact U.S. Senators Bob Casey and Pat Toomey.
For more information about the dangerous abortion drug RU486, please visit
Pro-Life Action
The case of June Medical Services v. Gee is infront of the United States Supreme Court. Opening arguments have just begun and the case may last months before a ruling is made. So what can we do to help in this situation? Pray. Pray for the Supreme Court Justices. Specifically pray that:
the attorneys defending the pro-life law make their best case.
God will bless the Justices with wisdom and clarity of mind.
the abortionist's lawyers will sound unconvincing
On the afternoon of February 25, 2020, every U.S. Senator had to go on record and declare where they stood on two things:
1. Do you support banning late-term abortions after 5 months – a point by which unborn children can feel excruciating pain?
2. Surely you can agree that if a child is born during an abortion, they DESERVE the same medical care any other child born at that stage would receive?
Will you please take 30 seconds right now and use our easy Contact Congress tool to email both your U.S. senators, urging them to ban late-term abortions and infanticide?
Yes, I’ll Take Action Now >>
18,000 + people have contacted their Representative about the Born-Alive Discharge Petition for abortion survivors.
Will you join them?
You can watch this video about abortion survivors and then support them by signing the Born-Alive Discharge Petition.
Sign here: