one small voice will speak for millions
​The Voice of John
A Little Child Shall Lead Them
A powerful true story about the innocence of a child and their role in a life saving decision.
An Infant Child, A Nurse and the Holy Spirit
The Voice of John
The voice of John is the voice of a child speaking tenderly and lovingly a message of forgiveness and hope.
The Vision
A society which listens with grace.
Speaks with passion and compassion.
Accepts every human life without judgement.
Recognizes the gift and inherent worth of every
Our Mission Statement:
The Voice of John mission is to reach out with love and tenderness,
empowering every woman facing a crisis pregnancy,
to offer support and resources to post abortive women and men,
to educate on issues of abortion, infanticide, euthanasia and assisted suicide, to influence legislation, and to defend the sanctity of human life from the womb to the tomb.

2024 Christmas Card Contest
Winners Announced

Pictured are Maryann Lawhon, Voice of John CEO; John Frank, event chairperson; Ms. Judy Martini, Marian Catholic Theology teacher; Destiny Melendez (9th grade), 3rd place winner; Laina Walker (9th grade), 2nd place; Charles DeFrancisco (12th grade), 1st place winner; and Mr. Michael Brennan, Marian Catholic Head of School.
The Voice of John Ministry is proud to announce the winners of the 2024 Christmas Card Contest. John Frank, event chairperson, presented checks to the winners this past week at Marian Catholic High School. This was the first time that Marian Catholic students have had winners in all three of the prize places. Winners included: Destiny Melendez (9th grade), 3rd place winner and Laina Walker (9th grade), 2nd place.
This year's first place winner is Charles DeFrancisco (12th grade). His beautiful written representation of the artist's image of the baby Jesus will be featured inside this year's Christmas card.
Thank you to all of the students throughout the area who participated in this year's Christmas Card Contest.
Winners featured on WBRE 22/28 Eyewitness News - Here's To You Kid
Winners Announced on SSPTV
**** Podcast Alert ****
We are excited to announce the release of our first video podcast of 2024. The Life and Legacy of a Baby Named John. When they ended his life, they thought they had silenced him. 46 years later, his message was heard in his home state of West Virginia. Click on the Podcast tab above to view the video.

Our Take Action page connects you with ways you can make a difference in the prolife movement.
Most recent: Dec 2023 House Bill 1888
Check out our UPCOMING EVENTS page for a list of future events.